PD Dr. Frank Wieber
Social Psychology and Motivation
P.O. Box 39
University of Konstanz
D-78457 Konstanz
E-mail: Frank.Wieber [at] uni-konstanz.de
My main research interest is in the self-regulation of behavioral change. In particular, my research focuses on the question how people can self-regulate more effectively to overcome problems during goal striving (e.g., not getting started to act on a goal, not continuing goal-directed actions, not disengaging on time from unattainable goals, or to overextending oneself).
If-then plans (implementation intentions; Gollwitzer, 1993) are examined as a strategy to help people to reach their goals by bridging the so-called intention-behavior gap. I investigate how self-regulatory strategies can support goal attainment of individuals as well as groups in challenging interpersonal, intra-and intergroup contexts. More recently, I started to examine whether intentional self-regulation strategies can support individuals to respond adaptively to negative feedback.